This growth balm that is perfect for pressing & as a Heat Protectant. Use as a styling cream for braids, locs and twists to provide moisture & prevent breakage.
CASTOR OIL: Loaded with vitamin E, fatty acids, and minerals for repairing hair breakage.
CHEBE POWDER: For thicker, fuller hair.
FENUGREEK: Rich in Vitamins A, K & C, Folic acid, iron, and protein, which are essential nutrients for hair growth and thickness.
BIOTIN: Stimulates Keratin production in hair to improve hair health, volume, and shine.
SAW PALMETTO: Prevents hair loss
GOTU KOLA: A potent plant that strengthens and nourishes your hair follicles.
GINGKO BIBOLA: Stimulates hair growth by improving circulation in the scalp
Cedarwood Essential Oil: Increases circulation to stimulate the hair follicles. Reduces thinning and encourages growth.
Chamomile: Promotes hair health and fights a dry, itchy scalp
Ginger Root: Strengthens the roots of hair and improves circulation
Stinging Nettle: Naturally is rich in sulfur and silica. Fights hair loss, promoting hair health, and keeping it shiny.
This growth balm that is perfect for pressing & as a Heat Protectant. Use as a styling cream for braids, locs and twists to provide moisture & prevent breakage.
CASTOR OIL: Loaded with vitamin E, fatty acids, and minerals for repairing hair breakage.
CHEBE POWDER: For thicker, fuller hair.
FENUGREEK: Rich in Vitamins A, K & C, Folic acid, iron, and protein, which are essential nutrients for hair growth and thickness.
BIOTIN: Stimulates Keratin production in hair to improve hair health, volume, and shine.
SAW PALMETTO: Prevents hair loss
GOTU KOLA: A potent plant that strengthens and nourishes your hair follicles.
GINGKO BIBOLA: Stimulates hair growth by improving circulation in the scalp
Cedarwood Essential Oil: Increases circulation to stimulate the hair follicles. Reduces thinning and encourages growth.
Chamomile: Promotes hair health and fights a dry, itchy scalp
Ginger Root: Strengthens the roots of hair and improves circulation
Stinging Nettle: Naturally is rich in sulfur and silica. Fights hair loss, promoting hair health, and keeping it shiny.